
Thanks so much for stopping by! Make yourself at home and take a few minutes to find out a little about my crazy little world!


I've had a few minutes to post these pics from the Memorial Day Jubilee in Decatur... hope you like them!

Kelly, my ex-wife-in-law (that means Steve's kids' mom) owns the Curves in Decatur...
I thought I'd snap this one for her!

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More from Memorial Day...

These guys brought tears to my eyes... and Taps, that gets me everytime.

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More from Memorial Day...

Flyin' high! ;-)

Giddy up!

Baby Braden was enjoying his afternoon in the sun!

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We finally got out of the car!

So, whatcha think??
We got out of the house today and got some pics of the field behind Mom & Dad's and also the creek out here in the country! Take a look and tell me... whatcha think?!! Please leave some comments below!!;-)

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Just real quick

Ok, so I didn't make it to bed yet... I just remembered to post my friend Amy's blogsite on my Links to Love... she is very new at photography, but she has a great eye for it!! I'm very impressed and proud to call her my friend... check out her work here!
Huggins, Amy! KL ;-)


Not much to write about...

Today was a L..O..N..G.. day, no pun intended... we left the house at 7:45 this morning and didn't return until about 8:45 tonight! Wednesday's are long days for me at work, I work until 5pm, go get the kiddies and then go right back to church so we can eat supper, then we go to worship/kids activities and leave late... not a big deal really, I'm just not used to it yet! ;-)

I promised I'd show Lil B's graduation pic... a little late, but better late than never!

Ain't he a cutie pie?! ;-)

I accidentally left my camera at mom's, so as soon as I get it back, I'll get more pics up...

The boys are having a pretty good summer so far! We haven't done too much really, but Sunday starts VBS at church, so that will officially start the Summer Activities... T-baby will get to participate in Funday Mondays with BJ (that's what the pre-teens get to call Brother Justin, the Children's Pastor)... Lil B's age will have activities too, but not as much as T... Lil B just doesn't get that part yet... he hates that he's the "little" bro...

It's now after midnight, so I better hit the pillow before my chillren (yes, I said "CHILLREN") decide to wake up and make their way to our room...

See ya tomorrow!


Memorial Day

Hi folks... it's Memorial Day weekend! It's a day to REMEMBER... we must remember those that have served in our nation's military, whether they are serving today or have served in the past. I pray that you will stop to remember them while you're out enjoying your days off... it's important to remember them everyday, but especially this weekend... reach out of your comfort zone and find someone that's served and tell them "Thank You!".


Summer's here!!

Well, its officially summer! The kids are out of school and the "Mama can we" questions are in full swing! Since starting work at BBC, things have changed a bit... I'll work 3days during the summer, so they'll stay with Memaw, my neighbor Lisa and Aunt Christine. They got up pretty good today, but I don't know how long that will last!
Blake graduated Kindergarten on Monday... it was the cutest thing watching all those 3ft boys and girls wearing caps and gowns... just adorable! We got his graduation pictures back from school yesterday and they look great! I'll post it tomorrow, I'm too lazy to walk out to my car to get it!
Trey passed to 5th grade!!! We are ALL soooo glad that his 4th grade year is over! We're praying that 5th will be better... he struggled so much with staying on track and dealing with his and his teacher's personality clashes... Trey is VERY laid back, to say the least and his teacher is VERY not. I'm telling you, its been like trying to pull Trey through day old mud every step of the way... he'll change classes next year, so maybe it will help that his environment will change several times throughout the day... if it's another year like this one, y'all will have to come pick up all my hair and try to plug it back into socket!
I don't know if you've noticed or not, but not much gets written about Steve... it's probably because his daily doings are very predictable: get up, make coffee, computer, shower, computer, get dressed, computer, tell everybody bye (including Missy), drive to work, work, take lunch at around 10:30 (yes, I typed it right and you read it right), get back to work, get a snack, work, drive home, go potty, change clothes, we'll call this eBay time- he could be found on the computer, packing or unpacking an item, taking pictures and posting items, etc...then he may watch some tv, and then goes to bed. That pretty much sums up most of his days... there is the occasional change, but he needs to know about 3 weeks in advance. ;-) If his schedule changes, I'll let you know. HA! ;-)

Well, have a great day! Lunchtime is over...


Been a while, huh?

Ok, so I did it again... I haven't posted in quite a while... but I do have a good excuse, well, I think it is anyway... I started working again! Yes, after SIX years, I started working again! I'm working for my church as a Ministry Assistant. I'm really liking it and thankfully I don't work many hours and even better, I'll only be working 3 days during the summer weeks! When the kiddos are in school, I'll work 5 days, but still, they're short days... I feel like HM, I "get the best of both worlds"!
I took a few pics of the kiddos for the Mother's Day books I made for my Mom and Memaw, I hope you like them!


See ya later! BTW, check out Trey's blog!


Cinco de May-o

It's been a busy last few days! Thursday we had concession duty at the park, then I worked the sound for a wedding on Friday and Saturday, Trey had a tournament in Anniston, Steve had to work, Next Generation danced on Sunday morning, but all Blake was worried about was that he wouldn't get to swim in the indoor pool at the hotel! Trey's Saturday games were rained out, so the boys were able to swim till their little hearts were content! (Thanks Mom & Dad for bearing that 'burden') The Trojans took 2nd place in the tournament! Take a look at Trey in the 2 pics... the only part of his body he moved for the goofy shot was his eyeballs!

I think it's past bedtime, 'cuz I hear my pillow calling me... more to come tomorrow!