
Thanks so much for stopping by! Make yourself at home and take a few minutes to find out a little about my crazy little world!


Not much to write about...

Today was a L..O..N..G.. day, no pun intended... we left the house at 7:45 this morning and didn't return until about 8:45 tonight! Wednesday's are long days for me at work, I work until 5pm, go get the kiddies and then go right back to church so we can eat supper, then we go to worship/kids activities and leave late... not a big deal really, I'm just not used to it yet! ;-)

I promised I'd show Lil B's graduation pic... a little late, but better late than never!

Ain't he a cutie pie?! ;-)

I accidentally left my camera at mom's, so as soon as I get it back, I'll get more pics up...

The boys are having a pretty good summer so far! We haven't done too much really, but Sunday starts VBS at church, so that will officially start the Summer Activities... T-baby will get to participate in Funday Mondays with BJ (that's what the pre-teens get to call Brother Justin, the Children's Pastor)... Lil B's age will have activities too, but not as much as T... Lil B just doesn't get that part yet... he hates that he's the "little" bro...

It's now after midnight, so I better hit the pillow before my chillren (yes, I said "CHILLREN") decide to wake up and make their way to our room...

See ya tomorrow!