
Thanks so much for stopping by! Make yourself at home and take a few minutes to find out a little about my crazy little world!


Life is too busy...

Ok, so because I'm doing things I like, I'm not getting to do things I love... ever been there? Yeah, I know you have, I think we all have. I won't run the list of my likes and loves, but obviously I love my family and I love photography. When those two mix, I'm close to heaven! I haven't had enough of that lately... There's the occasional snapshot of something the boys are doing, but no time to just get out there and get some "good'uns".
Here's where we get close to heaven... Last night, we went to baby E-fun's 2nd birthday party. He is such a great kid... he's not a whiney-hiney, he's pretty much content just playing... he'll let you know he wants something like more 'meawnk' (milk) or when he's hungry, but even then he's just a laid back, all around great kid... so he had the Elmo cake, the cousins, uncle (Blake!) and his "Best Buddy", Hudson to play with... the party was rockin' on. We were eating, watching the kiddos, talking... you know, the normal get-together. Then it was time to open presents... he got the typical 2-year old gifts: balls, cars, games, blah, blah, blah, blah... and then the guitar... yes, guitar. So apparently Hudson has one and Ethan loves it, so the perfect gift from his Best Buddy! And perfect it was... Hudson's guitar was hiding in the car until Ethan opened his... and then, then it started... are you thinking that they were fighting over them or somethin'?? Oh no... they put on a show! For real!! I think it was the cutest thing I've ever seen... I'd pay to see that again!
So here's a few pics of the wILd party...

That's Anna Kate in the sweater'ed tummy.

The leg thing is too cute!

This will make a CD cover one day.

Alright, so my addiction is fed for a little while... but not for long!
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