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Football + Ms Ashlynn

Well, it seems like it's been 4eva since I've posted... so sorry for that!

So a few weeks ago, the HGHS football coaches hosted a 1/2 day camp for the 'little kid' football teams... there were probably 100 kids out there learning the game from the high school coaches. Blake had a great time and learned a lot! Here's a few pictures from the camp:

You're probably wondering why the title of this post has a "+ Ms Ashlynn"...
well, here's the reast of the story...

Toward the end of the camp, an adorable blonde-headed, pink-polta-dot-dressed little girl comes up to me and says "You take piture 'me, k?" So of course I took one, how could I resist! Little did I know that this 'little girl' was a 'little diva'! She had gotten some dirt on her dress, so I told her it was on there and she looked down and said, "I go get s'more, you take piture 'me, k?" So of course I quickly scanned the parents looking for her Mom... "I have a visual"... but to no avail, by that time, Lil' Diva was D.I.R.T.Y... I mean dress and all... "Oh goodness... lil Diva's dirty and Momma's gonna have a come apart" was going through my mind... and then, lil Diva headed over to Momma, "Oh no, she's gonna say something about a camera, point my direction, and then..." was running through my head... "Whew, Momma knew about the dirt adventure and thank the Lord, I went to school with her... now maybe I won't be in too much trouble!" She didn't look too happy about the dirt, but it appears that she wasn't going to fight that battle today... We've all been there, huh Mommas?! :-)

So here comes lil Diva... she said, "I'm go down'dayer, you take picher, an I come riiiiite back, k?" I thought I'd giggle my head off as she came back a little dirtier than the time before, repeating the EXACT same statement each time! So here I was, taking photos of the rough and tumble boys out there on the field and this adorable, dirty little girl... when I came home to download the pics, there was a football pic, a diva pic, a football pic, a diva pic... here are a few pics of Ashlynn, aka "Lil Diva"

This is from Traci, aka "Momma"... "Girl, they are soooo good!!! Thank you so very much! I appreciate you sending those to me, you are a great photographer!... She loves having her picture taken, she is a little diva, hahaha! And BTW, that dress came all clean, thank GOD! That is the first time she has really ever gotten dirty haha!!! Thanks again..."

To Traci... thanks for allowing me to take pictures of your little Diva... she's adorable!!